01.09.2016 15:56
Dear lawyers,
In the frames of ongoing cooperation between the citizen of French Republic, the honorable member of the Chamber of Advocates of RA, benefactor Raymond Yezeguelian and the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia, Raymond Yezeguelian expressed his wish to pay in advance the membership fees, defined by the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates of RA, for 1 (one) year of 35 (thirty-five) more advocates.
In connection with the mentioned initiative the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates of RA affirmed by the Decision from 01.09.2016 num. 386-L the order "About granting 35 advocates with "Advocate Yezeguelian"scholarship, according to which the committee that had been formed with the purpose of deciding the winners in accordance with the immediate order, would give preference to the following advocates:
1) To 5 (five) advocates (in case of receiving more than 5 applications, the number of advocates can be extended) that had participated in defence activities of civil peaceful inhabitants in time period between the 2-nd and the 5-th of April 2016, as also the defence of volunteers in Karabakh defence army, concerned with cases of attacks and inhuman treatment (tortures) commited by Azerbaijan army.
2) To not more than 15 (fifteen) advocates concerned by the initiative of the Chamber of Advocates of RA into the display of legal help to citizens who had realized a sitting demonstration in Bagramyan avenue in the June of 2015 against electricity price rising in Yerevan city. In this group the priority is given to advocates who had displayed more legal help.
3) Not to more than 15 (fifteen) advocates of the exploring group of the Chamber of Advocates involved in the international-legal aspects of the main issue concerning Karabakh Republic. In this group the priority is given to the most active advocates.
According to the Order totally to 35 winners will be given appropriate notes.
We also want to remind that within the borders of cooperation between the benefactor Raymond Yezeguelian and the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia during the years 2015 and 2016 the certificates of membership fees in advance payment had been given to totally 160 lawyers, the 80 of which work in different regions of the Republic of Armenia and 80 lawyers work in Yerevan city.