11.10.2016 18:22
On the 11-th of October in the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia have started autumn qualification examinations of 2016 on the deontology module.
71 graduates took part in the examination.
The participants of the examinations had randomly chosen their desks, after what randomly from a number of tasks were chose 4 tasks.
Aiming the purpose to exclude the identification of the participants with their works, on finishing his task, the candidate would print it in two copies, on which would attach the bar-codes. On one of the works the candidate will sign and folding it four times will place it in a sealed box, and the next copy on which we will attach only the bar-code, will hand in to the member of the committee. The work, where are found conditional marks or other notes revealing the personality of the author will be rated 0 units.
The bar-codes and their passwords have been formed in the presence of the participants of the examination (on the screen set in the hall), where has been mixed the base of the codes and printed and in a sealed box have been placed the base of the codes and its electronic media, and the papers of the printed code-bars on sticking papers were handed in to the members of the qualification committee.
After the termination of the examination, the noted works will be handed in to double checkers (whose identity is secret), who will rate the works according to the standards defined by the qualification committee, after what the members of the qualification committee of the Chamber ofAdvocates will invite a sitting and will estimate each work.
After the works are estimated by the qualification committee, the results will be published (code-mark), and afterwards the sealed box will be opened in order to reveal the authors of the works.
The graduates of the School of Advocates of RA in order to get an advocate's license have to give three qualification modules: the students who specialize in criminal sphere will give deontology, the formation of an appellate claim in interim judicial acts, the formation of a appellate claim against a sentence, and students having civil inclination have to cope with the modules of deontology, formation of a claim and formation of an appellate claim against a sentence.
The participants of the examination had randomly chosen their desks, after which randomly chose from a number of tasks 4 ones.
In order to exclude the opportunity of identification of works with their authors, the candidate after he has finished his work will print it in two copies, to which will attach the bar-codes. On one of the works the candidate will sign and folding it four times will place it in a sealed box, and the next copy on which we will attach only the bar-code, will hand in to the member of the committee. The work, where are found conditional marks or other notes revealing the personality of the author will be rated 0 units.
The bar-codes and their passwords have been formed in the presence of the participants of the examination (on the screen set in the hall), where has been mixed the base of the codes and printed and in a sealed box have been placed the base of the codes and its electronic media, and the papers of the printed code-bars on sticking papers were handed in to the members of the qualification committee.