09.02.2017 14:33
On the 8-th of February the Chamber of Advocates of RA initiated a dispute-discussion between the candidates for membership in the Bar Council of RA. The meeting was conducted by advocate Garnik Tukhtaryan. From the invited by the Chamber 39 candidates who have nominated their candidacies at the discussion were present 21:
1. Agajanyan Eduard
2. Agajanyan Karapet
3. Ananyan Hrant
4. Arustamyan Melanya
5. Asatryan Sedrak
6. Babayan Simon
7. Badalyan Artzrun
8. Davtyan Gevorg
9. Demirchyan Gayane
10. Khachikyan Vrej
11. Khurshudyan Tigran
12. Harutyunyan Harutyun
13. Harutyunyan Nelly
14. Gazaryan Arayik
15. Mejlumyan Karen
16. Mkrtchyan Arsen
17. Pogosyan Slavik
18. Sargsyan Karine
19. Sardaryan Karen
20. Ter-Vardanyan Ruzanna
21. Feroyan Armen
According to the order of the discussion, the emcee gave the present candidates the possibility to speak out in alphabetical order. The candidates, after their election speeches, answered to the questions given by the advocates. Each voter-advocate got the right of giving one question.
The questions mainly referred to the reasoning of going to the elections by the list, to the order of initiating a disciplinary proceeding, the issue of calling to disciplinary responsibility, to the future of the large amount of money that had disappeared from the Chamber, to the question of broadening the references of the members of the Bar Council.
There was a reference to the workload of public defenders, the statistics of the decisions of the Board and to the issues of member involvement in the Bar Council from the staff of the Chamber.
The Chairman of the Chamber Ara Zohrabyan, on answering the questions of the journalists, noted, that the Chamber has provided a platform to the candidates for membership in the Bar Council, which is a civilized campaign culture.
On answering to the question if the debate-discussion was to be considered accomplished, whilst the advocates who used to speak out publicly against were in the list of those who were absent, Ara Zohrabyan said: “The Chamber of Advocates provides a platform, i.e. gives such an opportunity. If one of the parties or any advocate doesn’t want to participate that is his right. We have provided the platform, which is a good opportunity to appear and express one’s ideas, present projects or to retort”.
He also noted that he is ready to cooperate with any member selected as a member of the Bar Council, whoever it is to be.
During the discussion was also sounded the question of raising the advocate’s authority, as also some issues referring to the reconsideration of acting orders.