11.02.2017 18:18
The head of the Estimated Committee has announced the end of the voting.
The Estimates Committee gave the opportunity of voting to voters who were present at the voting booth, after which the head of the Estimates Committee closed the gaps of the voting boxes. During the session of the Estimates Committee the results of the voting will be summarized.
The summarization of the results of the secret ballot is realized in a room separated for that purpose, during which in the room may be present only the members of the Estimates Committee, bystanders and authorized persons (one authorized person for each candidate), journalists. Instead of the authorized person the candidate may be present. The present have the right to record/video record the noted process. Except for the members of the Estimates Committee, the others present don’t have the right of touching the voting boxes or ballot papers. The members of the Estimates Committee will count and return to the head of the Estimates Committee the ballot papers that hadn’t been used. Simultaneously with the summarization of the results, the Estimates Committee, before opening a voting box, makes an inscription (number 1), in which it notes 1) the number of ballot papers, making unfit the ballot papers that hadn’t been used, by cutting off the corner 2) the total number of those having the right to participate in the session (the list number) 3) the number of those who have received ballot papers according to the number of signatures in the list. After making the inscription number 1, the head of the Estimates Committee will open the appropriate voting box, will take out of the voting box by one ballot paper and will announce the results of the vote, by passing it to the members of the Estimates Committee in order for it to be sorted. After the ballot papers are sorted, they will be estimated, and the results – registered. Next to each candidate’s name and surname are written down the votes for his candidacy, and in case of a vote on a different issue – the votes for that issue. This action will be repeated for all the ballot papers present in the voting box. After the termination of the voting, the session of the Estimates Committee can’t be interrupted before the protocol on the results of the voting is made. Four copies of the protocol are made: one copy is being closed in the Chamber of Advocates in a visible place; one copy is placed in the sack of the voting documents, two copies are handed in into the archive of the Chamber of Advocates. On the demand of the persons having the right of being present at the Estimates Committee they will be given an extract from the protocol of the results of the voting, ratified by the signatures of the head of the Estimates Committee and the secretary and the seal of the Estimates Committee.
According to the regulations defined by the order, the Estimates Committee will summarize the results of the elections on time and take one of the following decisions:
1) About the election of the members of the Bar Council.
2) About the election of persons responsible for the disciplinary process.
3) About taking the decision on the issue of defining “An advocate’s day”.
4) About recognizing invalid the voting on the issue of defining “An advocate’s day”.
The results of the elections can be recognized invalid by a court verdict if the number of inaccuracies or the significant violations that had occurred during the preparation period of the elections and its conduct had influenced or could influence the results of the voting.