07.04.2014 14:26
Dear advocates
“PH International” American Organization in the scope of Armenia Community Action and Linages for Legal Socialization (AM CALLS) program funded by the U.S. State Department, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) invites to participate in a seminar on training of trainers those who are involved in juvenile justice programs, capacity strengthening and abetting state works directed at establishment of probation institute in the Republic of Armenia in the scope of judicial legal amendments.
The training will take place on 15 and 16 April 2014, at 10:30.Address Kongres hotel, Yerevan. Duiring the training 3 specialists ,participated to the cognitive meeting program, a judge from Aragatsotn District Court of First Instance Ruzanna Barseghyan, professor of law, former attorney Artur Ghambaryan, and advocate Innesa Petrosyan led by 2 american professionals invited from America will share their newly gained information and knowledge with 30 other Armenian specialists.(10 judges, 10 attorneys,10 advocates).
The priority will be given to the advocates who are busy with the cases of juveniles and to those advocates who have already participated to the similar trainings related to juveniles cases.
For registration you should apply till 11 April (including), 2014. For participation to the training please write a letter to the training coordinator of the Chamber of Advocates Ani Gharibyan to the email [email protected] by pointing your license number, phone number and information about the minors cases with your participation.