08.04.2014 13:26
Today on 8 April, 2014 the qualification examination of the second graduated flow of the School of Advocates are organized, to which about 63 candidates participate. The graduates have passed an examination from the module of Code of Ethics (deontology). The qualification examination was conducted by the Qualification Commission of the Chamber of Advocates of the RA, in the face of the head of the Qualification Commission Ara Zohrabyan and other present members; advocates Sedrak Asatryan, Arsen Sardaryan, Hunan Ter-Vardanyan,Mane Karapetyan as well as Deputy Minister of Justice Arman Tatoyan. The candidates took the number of their desk from the relevant box and then were registered. After registration the head of the Qualification Commission in the presence of everybody (was followed by the large screen on the wall) created base of codes in the computer which was printed and removed from the computer. The sample of codes, from which the candidates can be revealed, was posted in the sealed box, and the other variant only with the barcode was given to the members of the Commission. Four tasks of deontology were given during the exam. The candidates must decide is there a violation of Code of Ethics or not and they must substantiate their answer. After finishing the candidates printed two samples of their work from one of which barcode is attached and given to the member of the Commission, and on the next sample the candidate signed and put it into the sealed box. That Box will be opened only when the results of the examination will be announced. The qualification commission will assess the work with the point revealed as a result of revealing barcode. During his speech with media Ara Zohrabyan said that he was pleased with the quality of the first flow of the School of Advocates, but they try to improve the quality. “We have improved the quality of the school that is to say the quality will be on higher degree. Now by comparison we have better personnel than before.”
Formerly, the attorneys passed an examination and became an advocates at once, now they must enter the school of advocates and learn for a year. By the way we should improve in a quantitative meaning. We can increase in the number of population for three times. Currently we have 1430 advocates out of which per our estimation around 800 advocates are practicing. Ara Zohrabyan stressed the importance of knowing well the Ethics Code: “It is very important for the advocate to know the rules of game which will save him/her from choosing corruption path.”