The “Competent Army ” program is launched in the military units of Artsakh
05.06.2014 11:10
The labor visit of the delegation to Nagorno-Kharabakh was launched headed by the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates Ara Zohrabyan. The aim of the visit is giving lectures to the officers and soldiers in the military units within the framework of the project “Competent Army”.
On 5 June, the delegation of the Chamber had lectures in the military units of the Nagorno-Kharabakh. The advicer on the foreign relations of the Chairman of the Chamber Vrezh Khachikyan urged the soldiers to be informed about protection of their rights , which is the greatest force for the soldier standing in the frontlines. The Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates greeted the soldiers and asked them to be direct and frank while speaking with the delegation. The letter introduced the functions and of the Chamber of Advocates of the RA and the performing work for the increasing the role of the advocates. Referring to the soldiers’ problems Ara Zohrabyan mentioned that he had served in the RA Army as well and he is familiar with all the problems, and the aim of this visit is to increase the legal awareness.
“I want you to highlight your work, because the citizens living with normal life are highlighting the role of the Army. If you have dressed military uniform and you think that you are not important and interesting for anyone but your relatives , be sure that it is not right”- mentioned the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates Ara Zohrabyan.
Ara Zohrabyan spoke about the separation and the relations of Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches as well as about the citizens ‘common rights and duties.
Adviser on the projects to the Chairman Zinavor Meghryan introduced the topic regarding to the International legal status of Nagorno – Kharabakh, including authorities stances of The RA and Nagorno Kharabakh and the issues connected with the territorial integrity and nations’ self-determination and the issues connected with false news expanded by Azerbaijani propaganda machine.
“Armenian nation has won the imposed war and now it is a phase , that it is necessary to provide the international recognition of Nagono- Kharabakh by using the international Law. And as long as the soldier is standing in front line the recognition process is possible to make”- mentioned Zinavor Meghryan.
The member of the Board of the Chamber of Advcoates of the RA Karapet Aghajanyan had a speech regarding to military crimes and criminal liability by representing the rights of the officers and soldiers during the disciplinary procedures. The soldiers and officers represent to the delegation their questions of concern which are not only about the military service but also civil law contracts.
The delegation headed by the Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates consist of the deputy Melanya Arystamyan, the members of the Board Karapet Aghajanyan, Nelli Harutyunyan, Advisers of the Cahirman Zinavor Meghryan,Irina Piloyan and the advicer on the foreign relations Vrezh khachikyan and press speaker Hayk Hakobyan.