04.07.2014 11:05
Dear advocates
The Chamber of Advocates of the RA is pleased to invite you to the trainings of July 2014. The package of professional-oriented courses is also presented in case of which you can sign in not for separate trainings but for the united package of 3 trainings, which the help of which you can consume the compulsory credits of the training 2014.
Taking into account the fact that the intensive trainings will begin from 1July, 2014, The Chamber of Advocates of the RA will account 12 academic hours for (as a duty) every advocate(The advocate can fill 24 hours if he want).
Taking into account the fact that the trainings will be at the end of the day The Chamber of Advocates of the RA will provide you coffee, tea and light food.
For signing you should send a message to electronic e-mail address [email protected] pointing your license number and telephone number.
P.S. According to the decision N.3/6-L (05/02/2014) of the Board of the Chamber of Advocates 3 hours of participation of the trainings on the topic the rules of conduct of advocates (deontology) is obligatory.(http://advocates.am/images/palati_xorhrdi_voroshumner/Voroshum-xorh-3-6-karg-verapatrastum.pdf )
The training coordinator of Chamber of Advocates of the RA
Ani Gharibyan
+37410 600 704