14.07.2016 10:53
The Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia with the assistance of the Yerevan office of the OSCE (Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe) implements the “Free legal advice” grant programme.
For the participation in the August phase of the program an advocate’s competition is announced.
The programme includes 3 independant components ( courses).
a) free legal advise in regions (component 1),
b) free legal advise in criminal institutions (component 2),
գ) free legal advise to drivers (component 3)։
Component 1.
The Chamber of Advocates of RA announces a competition for organizing visitations and showing free legal help to citizens during August in Tavush and Vayoz Dzor regions, 4 advocates from Yerevan and by 1 advocate from Tavush and Vayoz Dzor regions are going to be chosen (6-th and 7-th groups).
In the competition can take part candidates having at least 2 years of advocacy practise on civil matters from Yerevan and Tavush and Vayoz Dzor regions.
Component 2.
For organizing visitations to "Vardashen" and "Sevan" criminal institutions during August and giving imprisoned people legal advise the Chamber of Advocates of RA announces a competition for choosing 6 advocates: 5 advocates from Yerevan and 1 advocate from Gegarkhunik region (6-th and 7-th groups).
In the competition can take part candidates having at least 2 years of advocacy practise on criminal matters from Yerevan and Gegarkhunik region.
Component 3.
For giving free legal advise to drivers during August the Chamber of Advocates of RA announces a competition for choosing 3 advocates (4-th group).
In the competition can take part candidates having at least 2 years of advocacy practise directed towards legal administrating.
For participation in the competition you need to present an application (by an e-mail)՝attaching your autobiography (CV) in English and Armenian languages sending it to [email protected] or [email protected] e-mail addresses.
The applications with attached documents can be presented to the Chamber of Advocates of RA also in the format of documents.
In the application should be mentioned the component and the region for which the bid is applied as well as the region where the applicant is working.
The deadline for the applications access is the 25-th of July 2016.
The contents of the “Free legal advice” grant programme, the declared claims of advocates participating in the programme, issues concerning the details of competition organization are described in the programme.
For additional information you can connect with the coordinator of the programme advocate Lyudvik Davtyan.
Programme oordinator
Lyudvik Davtyan
lawyer, Ph.D.
tel. 091 066 880
e-mail. [email protected]